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Serving the Netherlands with 

YWAM Amsterdam


Working towards seeing Revival in Europe through movements of worship and intercession...


Called to music ministry....

We long to see songs released from people from every nation, tribe and tongue. We want to partner with that vision in the book of Revelation by helping release songs from all peoples in all nations that declare the holiness of God. 

Called to disciple...

John 4:24 says that the true worshipers will worship God in Spirit and in Truth. We are endeavoring to train up worshipers and worship leaders who love the Lord with all their heart and have a deep knowledge of the Bible, and that we would see movements of worship arise from people who are full of the Spirit and rooted in the Word.


"Let's go meet the need, let's go plant the seed, be the hands and feet of our God..."

Lyrics from "Moved By Compassion"



Our Story

Why are we working with YWAM in Europe?

In 2017, while Aleah was staffing at YWAM Davos in Switzerland, Aleah saw a picture of people standing on the tops of the Swiss Alps and as they were worshiping, their words of praise turned to water flowing from their mouths. The water flowed from the peaks and filled up valleys and overflowed across all of Europe. She then heard the Lord say "I'm bringing revival in Europe through worship and intercession, do you want to join what I'm doing?" Aleah knew from then on that she would be ministering in Europe for a long time.


We have a passion to see what Jesus talks about in John 4:23:


"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshiper the Father seeks."

As people learn to draw close to the Lord through worship, and can have a close, deep connection with their Creator, we believe that there will be revival in Europe, and across the world.  We long to see churches filled with Christians who are alive and filled with the Holy Spirit, and hungry to know Him more. 

We would love to have you on our support team!
If you would like to donate with a one-time gift or join our monthly support, click the link below and we will get connected with you.

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